Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Results are in!

Oops I've been so busy emailing and phoning people with the results, I've forgotten to blog them. The preliminary results came back fine! From what I understand, the placental cells are tested directly for about 8-10 known chromosomal problems (which is about 98% of the full results), so we know there is no obvious problem. The full results will pick up anything additional that would be an unusual problem, but we are confident that since the baby's structure is fine that there are no actual problems.

AND.... we know the gender! I know some people (stupidly!!!) don't want to know, so I won't post it here but if you want to know, just message me and I'll tell you.

And for those of you thinking of getting pregnant at some point, just remember that the test I had is standard procedure for all pregnancies once you are 35+ as your risk of chromosomal problems escalates the older you are.

So we are very relieved and can now get on with enjoying the pregnancy. I've managed 5 days in a row with no morning sickness, although that was broken a couple of days ago so I'm hoping it's just about over now.

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