Tuesday was my birthday (yay!), and Wednesday was my graduation, so I had a busy fun week!
Morning sickness was still a problem on Monday, so I was concerned how I would cope on Wednesday at graduation, which was right during the times I would normally be sick. So on tuesday, I decided to see what would happen if I pretended it was wednesday and got up early and did all the things I would be doing to get ready for graduation.
It was a disaster. I was just sicker earlier in the day, and then for more hours than usual! Arrgghh! So I was getting more an more worried about how I would cope at graduation. I prepared myself an emergency morning sickness kit, which had a couple of those silver-lined bags you get at the supermarket for hot chickens - they were my sick bags, and I had licorice and a protein bar chopped up into mini pieces so i could eat them throughout the ceremony. I also had all my morning sickness medicines, and I was planning on alerting the supervisery people at graduation that i would need to sit near an exit so I can run away if necessary. My biggest fear was walking across the stage, reaching out to shake the chancellors hand, and vomiting all over him. Then I would be in the paper the next day as the girl who ruined graduation. (you can see how worked up I was getting with worry!)
But by some miraculous event, I ended up not being sick at all for the whole day! Probably all the stress and worry helped :) The people I was graduating with were postgraduate nurses, so I let them all know my problem in case I needed their help, and they were lovely. Luckily there were NO dramas and NO vomiting in public. PHEW!
Graduation was fun, and I got to dress up all funny - post grad diplomas get the best costumes - its bachelor outfit, plus you also get a big long fancy scarf that goes down the front of the gown.
Thursday was also a relatively sick-free day, and then friday was all bad again. Today hasn't been too bad, so maybe i'm almost at the end of this horrible morning sickness. Theoretically it is all meant to be over by 12 weeks (i'm almost 10 weeks now) so not long to go. I've lost 2kg from all this vomiting and not being able to eat properly, so its quite a worry.
In developmental news:
this week marks the first time that your baby looks almost human. He's the size of a grape and has all the standard body parts in place now — though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning between now and your due date.From now on, the baby pretty much grows 1cm a week. Exciting!