Monday, September 17, 2007

What Preston's up to nowadays

Belinda's on holiday, so I thought I'd give a bit of a status update on Preston. He's definitely a chatterbox now. He can talk for hours on end, mostly gibberish to me, but he seems to know what he's talking about. If I listen for a while I can figure out what he wants.

He can climb now too - certainly able to get up to chair height, and almost to bed height. Its kinda scary. Even worse is that he can now open doors. I have zero luck trapping him in any place alone - so he pretty much gets constant attention.

Food -wise, he's totally addicted to tomatoes, grapes, and cheese. He'll eat everything though, including some palak paneer last night and chickpeas, celery and lettuce from the night before's salad.

He also loves being outside, and can fully sort all of his plastic shapes into the shape-ball. Pretty cool, since I haven't given it to him for a few months - he just picked it up and did it!

Preston playing with bubbles