Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Preston is 2 1/2 years old

And on this day he is 13kg and 89cm tall.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

It's been a while since we have posted, so Preston has obviously gone through a whole bunch of development since last time. We've been trying to Potty-train Preston for many months now and have had mixed success. He's great at using the potty, but not so interested in initiating the use of it. This has definitely led to many many many messed up pairs of pants and lots of loads of washing!

Preston is also amazingly proficient at using technology, particularly my iphone. As I write this, he has found my iphone, opened it, unlocked it, browsed to the video section, exited out of the last video I was watching, and started up an Electric Company skit that I left on there for him! WOW.

His conversation is slowly starting to change dynamic too. Preston generally talks in the third person ("preston wants that") but Belinda has been teaching him to say things like "I want...". The last week he's been saying "I want a cuddle" and "I want my mummy" which is awfully cute.

This week Preston has also begun his foray into the question-asking phase. He's not quite 2 1/2 yet! Yesterday we went through the entire contents of a drawer and he asked "Who bought that?" for every item. Other favourite questions have been: "Where is [insert name here]" and "Who's is that one?"