Saturday, November 17, 2007

Preston and Amber looking cute!

So cute in fact that they made it to the Honorable Mentions in the Knitty competition. Yay!

Preston's Space Invader Jersey gets another special mention!

Yay! Well I didn't make it to the winning 12 photos for the calender, but it's very cool that 2 of my 3 entries made it to the Honorable Mention section!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Preston counts and calls the cat

Preston can count to 10! He has counted 1,2,3 for a while, and he hasn't quite got 4,5 but he knows 6,7,8,9,10.

The other day we were at Nana's and he fed the cat (read: tips biscuits everywhere). He had scared away the cat in his excitement, so Nana says "Preston, lets call puss puss." Preston responds by running away and she says "Come back, we're going to call puss puss". He was actually running to the phone, which he picks up to his ear and yells "pusspuss!!". So he 'called' the cat... so funny how his logic works!

Here are some recent pictures: