I'm 6 months pregnant today, so to celebrate, Dan and my big tummy and I went shopping to look at all the baby stuff we need to buy. YIKES! We need so much stuff! It's hard to tell if its all necessary or just the baby shops 'saying' we need it...
So we looked at millions of prams and this is the one we want:
http://www.britax.com.au/scProductDetail.do?productId=40490 You can even see all the different states it can be in with all its 10,000 features and gadgets. Now that I've researched it a bit more online, I really really want to buy it, but I might just wait a while I guess. Maybe a sale will start soon or something.
We looked at some pretty rimu cots, but they are so expensive - surely one of those less chain-store type wooden shops would have something better and cheaper.
We also found other essentials like a crazy array of carseats, so we might have to think on that later, and a cool thing that you strap onto your front and it holds the baby so you don't have to. We want one of those.
And as for accessories - I got a list of all the 'essentials' and it's really really long!! Blankets, sheets, towels, cloths, assorted clothes etc... There are some really cute things available to buy and some really dumb things too. I want to be picky and say "No dumb old fashioned cute stuff, only actual modern cute stuff, and nothing with patterns! I like plain solid colours with a cute feature applique or something." I guess it doesn't matter anyway because we will not be having a baby shower (no friends in Auckland) so I will just go out and buy all the cool stuff that I want :)
We start our antenatal classes in about 2 weeks so I guess we will find out more about what we need to buy.