Wow, I can hardly believe it. It seems to have gone so fast and I can barely remember what it was like to have no baby to love so much.
Preston is at a really fun age now - he is really interactive and we have such a great time playing all sorts of games. He responds to just about everything really, and loves being sung to, looking at himself in the mirror (he laughs at himself whenever he sees his reflection!), lying on my tummy while i do stomach crunches (well, very small ones), and of course being carried around so he can see what's going on.
He is getting pretty good at lying on his tummy for longer now, and just the other day he rolled over! He is getting a tiny bit more mobile so we have to watch out I think. He can kind of push himself around in a circle - the other day I went to get him out of his cot and he was in the opposite direction!
He loves his toys and can grab them and suck on them. I think his teeth might be thinking about coming through soon which might explain the chewing on his toys and blankets. I can see the two bottom teeth under the gum so it might not be too far away. Today I let him chew on my knuckle, and wow, what strength he has in those jaws! He dribbles a lot too which is a teething sign. My hair and clothes are pretty much always crusty from dribble and spew. Mmmmm. Lucky Dan still loves me because I don't think I'm particularly appealing in this motherly state!
Preston seems to have grown so much in the last couple of weeks as well, so I'm looking forward to having his measurements taken at our plunket appointment on Tuesday.