Oops - we've been having so much fun that I've forgotten to blog what we've been doing!
Preston has mastered the art of rolling over, both from tummy to back, and back to tummy, so he spends most of his playtime rolling around the place. He thinks he is SOOO clever when he rolls, and shrieks with delight and his face absolutely beams. What a cutey! Except now we are entering new territory and have to keep things out of the way.
He has also pretty much mastered picking things up and holding onto them extremely tightly (with a whole hand grab). He holds his toys and works out the best position for ultimate slobbering, and grabs other interesting things such as my face and my poor boobs. And OW, what sharp fingernails! So I generally have scratches on my face and chest most of the time now. We have some baby nail clippers, but they grow so fast I have to clip them every couple of days.
Our baby group gets along so well that last weekend we went away to Mangawhai for the weekend! There were 12 parents and 6 babies, and we had a great time. The weather was awful (there was a cyclone apparently), but it didn't matter - we all hung out and played with all the babies and relaxed. The babies are now aware of each other and they chatter away to one another in their baby talk and they seem so interested in what they say, I'm sure they understand it! Some of it was getting quite animated and loud and I think they were having 'My mummy is better than your mummy' battles, heheh.
In a month we are starting baby swimming lessons too :) Since there were so many in our group that want to do it, the swimming school has made a special class just for us. It is so great that all our babies are growing up together and see each other so often (Monday for a walk, Wednesday for cake at a cafe in the sun, and Friday for our official coffee group session at someones house).
And I have started a new online-trading venture in something I hadn't really considered before, but it is so fun :) I'm buying and selling designer baby clothes! Baby fashion is so cute and they grow out of things so quickly that any second hand items are virtually new anyway. I am buying new and hardly used designer clothes from clearance shops and from mothers in the US and UK (winter is ending over there so the clearance places are great), and then reselling the things Preston doesn't want on Trademe and Zillion. I'm getting all kinds of brands, like Gap, Next, Paul Frank, Pumpkin Patch, Tommy Hilfiger etc. So if you ever need anything, just let me know....
I might do a bit of a fashion photo shoot and dress Preston up in some of his new things and post them here :)
He is starting to look a bit different again - his face has filled out and is a bit chubbier, and he is lots bigger too. We went to Plunket nearly two weeks ago and he had put on 610g since the last visit which I thought was great - by now he probably weighs 6kg. And his height was 62cm. He is now on the cusp of a new clothing size (which I think may have been the trigger for my new buying/selling addiction), so some things are too small and others are too big, so we just have a limited selection of fitting items for the next week or two until he grows some more.
That's probably enough I guess. I'll add some pictures soon. My computer died and I got a new one and still have to install all the programs.