Yes, we are planning a trip to Tokyo in september! It will only be for about 5 days, but should be fun. The attraction is the Toyko Game Show (computer games etc) and Dan has been wishing he could go for years...and finally this year he's decided to go!
It's funny going on overseas holidays now. We went to Norfolk Island just before we were pregnant as a 'last holiday' sort of thing before our lives would be taken over with a baby. Then when I was 4 months pregnant we ended up going to the US for the ebay conference... and we totally thought that would be our last holiday ever. And then when Preston was 5 months old I decided it would be ok to travel with a baby and took him to Melbourne, and if you read my post at the time, you are probably thinking 'it was a disaster, so why are you even thinking about going to Japan!'
Well....we will give it a go. Preston will be 9 months old by then so hopefully will be better with travelling. Also Dan will be there too so I wont have to do everything myself.
So last year was 'my' holiday for the ebay thing, and Dan was very good to tag along and dress up in my NZ promotional uniform I got for us to wear. This year is 'Dan's' holiday, so who knows what I will be expected to do for the games show. I guess we will have to dress Preston up as a nintendo character of some kind, or maybe even a ninja!
The expo is in some new city in Chiba that is based around the convention centre, and the whole city looks all shiny, new and high tech. Here is a picture of the convention centre where an expected 160,000 people will be joining us....that's a lot of people...

So we are looking forward to going :)
Did you know Preston can say Mama, Dada, Baba and has quite an interesting baby babble vocabulary!