Thursday, December 07, 2006


Haven't posted in ages... sorry about that. The month leading up to christmas is my crazy season - lots and lots of work, and not enough time to do it all! Not to mention that all the cool toys start to come out before christmas!

Preston got to spend a week with a house full of people - Hayden and Darren came here to stay for a week for a break, watched me work and played with Preston when I was busy. He absolutely loved having people around and was his happy usual self.

But the great news for Preston is that he's starting to walk more and more each day. A week ago it was a pivot on one foot - yesterday he took about 5 steps, and today he took about 12. He's pretty much there - he's just getting used to it, and will hopefully be walking confidently in another week or two!

I'll put some new pics up on the flickr too - lost the camera for a week or so :)

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