Sunday, January 04, 2009

40 days to go...

Wow, only 40 days to go! It's funny thinking that this time with Preston, I was keen to have him, but now since i know what I'm in for, I'm happy to wait out the 40 days, and even extra if required. I just hope our new little friend doesn't decide to come early! I packed my hospital bag just in case though...

My tummy is getting bigger and filled with a super squirmy, arm and leg stretching baby. It's pretty uncomfortable being elbowed from the inside in both directions at once. I think he is lying head down but his back to my side, while Preston had his back to my stomach.

I've been sorting out all Preston's baby things - we have clothes and toys galore, so since there is nothing we actually need, we are thinking of asking family who might want to give us gifts that instead of gifts perhaps a token donation could be made to a bank account for the new baby to go towards the cost of experiences Preston had such as swimming lessons, baby gymnastics, etc.

Preston is getting quite excited about having a new baby brother and talks to him every day about things like instructions for games they can play together, or rules for who is allowed (and more importantly NOT allowed) to play with his favourite bears, or to teach him what foods are delicious. It's very cute, and he loves to cuddle and kiss his brother in my tummy. I just hope he continues to be so loving once the baby is born!

We've had lots of people staying or visiting over the holidays and that has been very fun for Preston, who has managed to make himself be the centre of attention pretty much at all times. There has been a bit of behaviour fall-out for a few days after each lot of people leaves and the boringness and discipline of mummy and daddy is realised. Bed time has been particularly tough and many nights it takes us until 10 or 100pm before he finally gives in and goes to sleep. Tonight he went to sleep at about 7pm which is so unusual - in fact i fell asleep on his bed as well! I hope he stays asleep for the rest of the night - in any case, I suppose we are in for a 5am awakening...

And Preston's finger is better! Last week most of the scab on his fingertip soaked off in the bath, leaving just a tiny speck of scab between the underneath of the nail and the cuticle. So we decided he could go without a bandage now - he thought that was pretty strange after having it wrapped for 3 months, and today he must have had some bandage anxiety as he found himself a bandaid and put it on! Anyway, the nail bed and nail has completely grown back which is absolutely amazing and if you didn't know any better you wouldn't notice any difference. Upon close inspection though, the roundness of the very tip of the fingertip is not quite there, but I think it is still healing and probably over the next little while it will fill out a bit. We are so grateful that all has turned out so well! But slamming doors completely freak us out.

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