Monday, December 28, 2009

Maxwell is 10 months old!

Maxwell is very quickly turning into a small boy. He is so determined to be doing whatever Preston is doing, that it is spurring him on to develop a bit faster. He races around everywhere with expert crawling and climbing around the furniture abilities, and the last few days he has been practicing standing up without holding on to anything. The look of extreme pride on his face each time he lets go is so sweet! Since yesterday, he has increased from not being able to stand on his own, to standing for about 5 seconds. He initiates all the attempts on his own, so it is something he has decided he's ready for, and I would say over the coming week he will be a pro. Then he'll be walking in no time!

His baby signing is also developing in leaps and bounds. We are now at the exciting stage where he will point at something of interest and I can say the name of it and show him the sign, and he will repeat it after being shown it only once or twice. This is very exciting for communication!

And yesterday I discovered that Maxwell can play a game of bouncing a small ball to each other - he loves this! He understands the concept, and it's so fun, especially when Preston joins in and we all play. They love each other so much, it melts my heart. :) Cute boys.

1 comment:

JUANdelaCRUZ said...

Congrats ! you got a nice blog, I hope you have time to visit my world ,I invited a few selected people to visit my world and you are one of them,,once again
Congrats. Thank and more power.