Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Maxwell's birthday eve

Tomorrow Maxwell turns 1! At last - he is so grown up and I can't believe he is not 1 already.

Today Preston was so well behaved that for the first time ever, I let him hire a Wiggles cart at the supermarket! He always asks and then we have the obligatory tantrum when I say no, but today I had no help and no stroller, and both boys at the supermarket (normally something carefully orchestrated to avoid). The cart was very good actually - both boys were strapped in with doors locked and they had their own steering wheel, and they could hear Wiggles music and stories playing on the inside (thankfully I couldn't).

It was the quietest, most uneventful shopping trip ever, and we left the supermarket without a single tantrum, or stern glare from other disapproving shoppers. Amazing! $2 well spent. However, since I don't plan on using this treat every time, I image the tantrums will be even worse when I say no....

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