Saturday, April 09, 2005

Blood test results

Just got my blood test results back! (I still have a big ouchy on my arm from the test)

The main hormone they test for is Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) which is what is produced during pregnancy. In the first 12 weeks, the levels double every few days as the baby and placenta rapidly develops. My level was 7174IU/l on Thursday, and I checked on the internet for a guide to see what this means, and for my stage of pregnancy I should be between 18-7340. So it's all looking good! Of course I think the numbers are only relevant when comparing to more tests of mine to see how well they are doubling, but I'm not going back for blood tests every few days.

Other interesting results - I do not have any of the following: Hepatitis B, Chlamydia, Syphilis, or anything else strange that I was tested for. So that's good news!

So this proves I am definitely pregnant - I have been wondering if its all in my head since I don't have many symptoms yet. Although, I put my jeans on today and theres a slight tummy overhang!

Hopefully I find a midwife next week.

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